Formerly the Frontal Lobe Personality Scale (FLOPS), the FrSBe was designed to identify and quantify behavioral problems associated with frontal lobe dysfunction. This scale assesses behavior related to frontal systems damage. It also quantifies behavioral changes over time by including both baseline (retrospective) and current assessments of behavior. Forms are available for both patient and family member to complete, with separate norms for each informant. There is potential for discrepancy between the information collected from the informant and the participant.
Formerly the Frontal Lobe Personality Scale (FLOPS), the FrSBe was designed to identify and quantify behavioral problems associated with frontal lobe dysfunction. This scale assesses behavior related to frontal systems damage. It also quantifies behavioral changes over time by including both baseline (retrospective) and current assessments of behavior. Forms are available for both patient and family member to complete, with separate norms for each informant. There is potential for discrepancy between the information collected from the informant and the participant.