0 |
Normal |
Normal |
1 |
Questionable |
Questionable |
2 |
Verbal outbursts which are outside socially acceptable limits but do not cause significant problems or distress for other household members. for example, rate 2 if subject becomes angry with self or inanimate objects when confronted with frustrating situations due to disability, such as failure when attempting to rewire a plug |
Verbal outbursts which are outside socially acceptable limits but do not cause significant problems or distress for other household members. for example, rate 2 if subject becomes angry with self or inanimate objects when confronted with frustrating situations due to disability, such as failure when attempting to rewire a plug |
3 |
Temper tantrums are severe enough to cause significant distress for other household members and/or practical difficulties caring for the subject. rate 3 when verbal hostility or anger is directed towards another person (e.g. shouting, sarcastic name-calling, use of foul or abusive language). also rate 3 if there are explicit verbal threats of violence to another person, or behaviour causing a justifiable fear of personal violence (e.g. subject approaches too close, raises fist, mild pushing). also rate 3 for violence towards property |
Temper tantrums are severe enough to cause significant distress for other household members and/or practical difficulties caring for the subject. rate 3 when verbal hostility or anger is directed towards another person (e.g. shouting, sarcastic name-calling, use of foul or abusive language). also rate 3 if there are explicit verbal threats of violence to another person, or behaviour causing a justifiable fear of personal violence (e.g. subject approaches too close, raises fist, mild pushing). also rate 3 for violence towards property |
4 |
Subject has temper tantrums so severe that relationship with carers is compromised, creating risk that subject will be rejected. rate 4 if there has been any kind of actual physical assault (includes pushing, shoving, hitting, biting, scratching, kicking) or threatening behaviour involving weapons |
Subject has temper tantrums so severe that relationship with carers is compromised, creating risk that subject will be rejected. rate 4 if there has been any kind of actual physical assault (includes pushing, shoving, hitting, biting, scratching, kicking) or threatening behaviour involving weapons |