Normal |
Normal |
No change in time to achieve lubrication, amount of lubrication or duration of lubrication with genital stimulation subsequent to the spinal cord lesion |
Reduced/altered |
Reduced/altered |
Includes reports of either altered time (longer or shorter) to achieve, amount of lubrication, or duration of lubrication. It would also include reports of excessive reflex lubrication. Absent refers to individuals having no awareness of lubrication despite being genitally stimulated |
Absent |
Absent |
Reflex arousal is thought to only to happen in the presence of complete cauda equina or conus lesion |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Refers to reports by individuals that they have not been sexually active thus they do not know if they are able to achieve reflex arousal after the spinal cord lesion |
Not applicable (Patient male) |
Not applicable (Patient male) |