Spent awake engage activity mental clarity 5 day before test duration
General Details:
- Name:
- Spent awake engage activity mental clarity 5 day before test duration
- Steward:
- Definition:
- Duration of test time spent by an individual while awake engaging in activities that required mental clarity on day 5 before recording date start
- Registration Status:
- Qualified
Permissible Values:
- Data Type:
- Number
- Unit of Measure:
- hours
- Ids:
Value |
Code Name |
Code |
Code System |
Code Description |
- Designation:
- Spent awake engage activity mental clarity 5 day before test duration
- Tags:
- Definition:
- Duration of test time spent by an individual while awake engaging in activities that required mental clarity on day 5 before recording date start
- Tags:
- Source:
- Id:
- myxek9tp68
- Version:
- Source:
- Id:
- C57550
- Version:
- 1
- Source:
- BRICS Variable Name
- Id:
- SpntAwkEngActMnClr5DyBfTstDur
- Version: