0 |
Absent |
Absent |
1 |
Questionable, vague unease (also rate 1 if subject's only worry or anxiety is about prognosis of HD) |
Questionable, vague unease (also rate 1 if subject's only worry or anxiety is about prognosis of HD) |
2 |
Subject experiences intermittent worry or anxiety, but symptom is not severe enough to cause significant distress or interfere with everyday activities. rate 2 for mild anticipatory anxiety prior to social events or unfamiliar activities e.g. hospital appointments |
Subject experiences intermittent worry or anxiety, but symptom is not severe enough to cause significant distress or interfere with everyday activities. rate 2 for mild anticipatory anxiety prior to social events or unfamiliar activities e.g. hospital appointments |
3 |
Unpleasant anxiety is present much of the time, and has a significant impact on subject's behaviour (e.g. avoids going to places or events associated with provoking anxiety) |
Unpleasant anxiety is present much of the time, and has a significant impact on subject's behaviour (e.g. avoids going to places or events associated with provoking anxiety) |
4 |
Worry, anxiety or panic are present all the time and have a major impact on subject's lifestyle (e.g. agoraphobia such that subject cannot leave home without an escort) |
Worry, anxiety or panic are present all the time and have a major impact on subject's lifestyle (e.g. agoraphobia such that subject cannot leave home without an escort) |
8 |
Unable to assess because condition too advanced (e.g. mute and immobile) |
Unable to assess because condition too advanced (e.g. mute and immobile) |