Begged for money nRate DYS
How many times in the last year have you made obscene telephone calls, such as calling someone and saying rude things [Denver Youth Survey]
How many times in the last year have you been drunk in a public place [Denver Youth Survey]
Avoided paying nRate DYS
How many times in the last year did you give false information on a tax form, an insurance claim, or on applications for a loan or bank account [Denver Youth Survey]
How many times in the last year did you use a false name or alias so you couldn't be identified [Denver Youth Survey]
How many times in the last year did you buy something on credit and then never made the payments [Denver Youth Survey]
How many times in the last year did you interfere with the work of the law by trying to get away from police, by hiding someone that the police were looking for, or by telling a lie to a police officer or judge [Denver Youth Survey]
How many times in the last year have you driven a vehicle when you did not have a driver's license or after your license had been suspended or disqualified [Denver Youth Survey]
How many times in the last year have you sold marijuana or hashish ('pot,' 'grass,' 'hash')?
How many times in the last year have you sold hard drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and LSD (total freq. of all hard drug sales, not limited to these three drugs)?
How many times in the last year have you used marijuana [Denver Youth Survey]
How many times in the last year have you used a harder drug, such as heroin, cocaine or LSD [Denver Youth Survey]
How many times in the last year have you paid someone to have sex with you [Denver Youth Survey]
How many times in the last year have you been paid, or received other favors for having sex with someone [Denver Youth Survey]
How many times in the last year did you threaten or hurt someone to get them to have sex with you [Denver Youth Survey]
How many times in the last year have you contributed to the delinquency of a person under age 17 [Denver Youth Survey]
How many times in the last year have you failed to obey the courts [Denver Youth Survey]
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