How many times in the last year have you been loud, rowdy, or unruly in a public place so that people complained about it or you got in trouble [Denver Youth Survey]
Destroyed property last Y DYS
How many times in the last year have you purposely set fire to a house, building, car, or other property or tried to do so [Denver Youth Survey]
How many times in the last year have you stolen or tried to steal money or things worth $5 or less?
How many times in the last year have you taken something from a store without paying for it (including events you have already told me about)?
How many times in the last year have you snatched someone's purse or wallet or picked someone's pocket?
How many times in the last year have you knowingly bought, sold or held stolen goods or tried to do any of these things [Denver Youth Survey]
How many times in the last year have you stolen, or tried to steal, a motor vehicle such as a car or motorcycle to keep or sell [Denver Youth Survey]
How many times in the last year have you used worthless checks or fake money to pay for something [Denver Youth Survey]
Bank cards nRate DYS
Cheat someone nRate DYS
How many times in the last year have you been so angry with a child that you attacked them with a weapon, or with the idea of seriously hurting them [Denver Youth Survey]
How many times in the last year have you been so angry with a child that you hit them [Denver Youth Survey]
How many times in the last year have you attacked an adult with a weapon or with the idea of seriously hurting or killing them [Denver Youth Survey]
How many times in the last year have you hit an adult with the idea of hurting them [Denver Youth Survey]
How many times in the last year have you used a weapon, force or strong arm methods to rob a person, shop, bank, or other business [Denver Youth Survey]
Gang fights nRate DYS
How many times in the last year have you committed a serious driving offense, such as driving while drunk, driving recklessly, or speeding 50 km per hour over the posted speed limit [Denver Youth Survey]
How many times in the last year have you embezzled money - that means used money entrusted to your care for some purpose not intended [Denver Youth Survey]
How many times in the last year have you lied about your age [Denver Youth Survey]