During the past 12 months, did any doctor, dentist, nurse, or any other health professional advise you to quit smoking [PLCO]
PhenX - physical, social, and mental health functioning - SF-36v2 protocol 191201
PhenX - health impact of inflammatory bowel disease protocol 190701
In the 3 months before you got pregnant, how many cigarettes did you smoke on an average day [PhenX]
Do you (Does your child) have any of the following diseases?
Cataract Reported
Ocular (either eye, by clinical assessment) Retinal change or optic atrophy
Cognitive impairment Reported
Neuropsychiatric Cognitive impairment (e.g., memory deficit, difficulty with calculation, poor concentration, difficulty in spoken or written language, impaired performance level) or major psychosis
CVA Reported
Cranial or peripheral neuropathy [Reported]
Neuropsychiatric Transverse myelitis
Estimated or measured glomerular filtration rate less than 50 percent [Reported]
Proteinuria greater than or equal to 3.5 gm in 24 hours [Reported]
End-stage renal disease Reported
Pulmonary Pulmonary hypertension (right ventricular prominence, or loud P2)
Pulmonary Pulmonary fibrosis (physical and radiograph)
Pulmonary Shrinking lung (radiograph)
Pleural fibrosis Reported
Pulmonary Pulmonary infarction (radiograph)