Monitor put back on [Clock time] [PhenX]
Records whether diary was completed partially, fully, or not at all on the actiGraph return and reading form [PhenX]
Do you wear glasses of any kind [PhenX]
Are they:
Distance glasses age PhenX
How old were you when you first needed reading glasses, bifocals or multifocals [PhenX]
Current glasses age PhenX
Glasses strength checked last PhenX
Can you read the ordinary print in the newspaper reasonable well, with or without glasses?
Newspaper print read well last PhenX
Do you use a magnifier to read [PhenX]
How many days was actigraph worn [#] [PhenX]
Returned actigraph [PhenX]
How many weeks or months did that pregnancy last [#] [PhenX]
Was your pregnancy a live birth, stillbirth, miscarriage, abortion, or ectopic pregnancy [PhenX]
Pregnancy sequence [PhenX]
How often do you worry about getting lung cancer [PLCO]
Compared to others your age who currently smoke, what do you think are your chances of being diagnosed with lung cancer during your lifetime [PLCO]
About how often did you eat Cold cereal?
About how often did you drink Skim milk, on cereal or to drink?