Compared to other children, does this child sustain attention on tasks or play activities [SWAN]
Compared to other children, does this child listen when spoken to directly [SWAN]
Compared to other children, does this child follow through on instructions and finish school work or chores [SWAN]
Compared to other children, does this child organize tasks and activities [SWAN]
Compared to other children, does this child engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort [SWAN]
Compared to other children, does this child keep track of things necessary for activities [SWAN]
Compared to other children, does this child ignore extraneous stimuli [SWAN]
Compared to other children, does this child remember daily activities [SWAN]
Compared to other children, does this child sit still, control movement of hands or feet or control squirming [SWAN]
Compared to other children, does this child stay seated, when required by class rules or social conventions [SWAN]
Compared to other children, does this child modulate motor activity, inhibit inappropriate running or climbing [SWAN]
Compared to other children, does this child play quietly, keep noise level reasonable [SWAN]
Compared to other children, does this child settle down and rest, control constant activity [SWAN]
Compared to other children, does this child modulate verbal activity, control excess talking [SWAN]
Compared to other children, does this child reflect on questions, control blurting out answers [SWAN]
Await turn (stand in line and take turns)
Compared to other children, does this child enter into conversation and games, control interrupting or intruding [SWAN]
Undescended testicle born PhenX
Which testicle PhenX
Did the testicle go down to the scrotum by itself [PhenX]