How long were you knocked out - lost consciousness [PhenX]
Head injury memory gap PhenX
Have you ever injured your head or neck in a car accident or from some other moving vehicle accident (e.g. motorcycle, ATV)?
Have you ever injured your head or neck in a fall or from being hit by something (e.g. falling from a bike, horse, or rollerblades, falling on ice, being hit by a rock)? Have you ever injured your head or neck playing sports or on the playground?
Have you ever injured your head or neck in a fight, from being hit by someone, or from being shaken violently or have you ever been shot in the head [PhenX]
Explosion head injury PhenX
How many more injuries with LOC [#] [PhenX]
If more injuries with LOC, longest knocked out [PhenX]
If more injuries with LOC, how many longer than 30 minutes [#] [PhenX]
If more injuries with LOC, youngest age [PhenX]
Have you ever lost consciousness from a drug overdose [PhenX]
Have you ever lost consciousness from a drug overdose or being choked?
Can solve difficult problems GSE
Can get what I want GSE
Easy to accomplish my goals GSE
Deal with unexpected events GSE
Handle unforeseen situations GSE
Can solve most problems GSE
Can remain calm GSE
Can find several solutions GSE